11 Things That Make Teachers Happy

Sometimes, the demands of teachers’ daily routines can leave them feeling low.  Teachers however are generally easily pleased and it doesn’t take much to put a smile on their face. 

Below are eleven things that will make a teacher happy, any time!

#1 When everything is in its place 


#2 Cute stationery


#3 Having planned and executed an amazing, knockout lesson 


#4 When a staff meeting is cancelled 


#5. When pupils take on board suggestions and show improvement


#6 Wearing a New killer outfit

#7 Flowers

#8. Being understood

#9 Feeling loved

#10 When pupils do their best 

11. Being up to date with marking

What makes you happy?

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Till next time…



2 comments on “11 Things That Make Teachers Happy”
  1. Norah Colvin says:

    Oh, yes. We’re easily pleased, aren’t we! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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