Free Dragon Alphabet Resource

To go with my dragon themed room this year, I wanted to put up the alphabet in the front of the classroom so that children could refer to it, whenever they needed to. Even though I will be teaching Year 4 and children will already know how to form the letters, as well as the order of the alphabet, I feel it is important to cater for all needs. One may have a child who struggles and simply needs an additional visual. Children who join the school from another country may find the alphabet tricky and may get the letters mixed up. The alphabet acts as a constant reminder that the language is made up of specific symbols and sounds.

With this in mind, I searched and searched for a dragon alphabet. No joke, I searched for days…I found all sorts, but not a dragon one! In my despair, I decided to make my own. I am now sharing it with anyone who might also be looking for a dragon alphabet or with anyone who didn’t know they wanted one, but now do!

If you are a parent you may want to download it and put it up in your child’s room, if they are into dragons of course! πŸ‰πŸ²πŸ‰

The downloadable link is at the bottom. ⬇️



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Till next time…

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